ecosistant Services Overview

Your ecosistant services for compliant e-commerce.

Our ecosistant services for you.

Our team of experienced sustainability & EPR consultants is there to guide you through the European EPR-compliance jungle. We are happy to help you professionally and individually  becoming EPR-compliant in Europe. Find the ecosistant service that suits you best.

How can we help you in particular?

You do not know your country specific obligations? What your individual duties are? Don’t worry. We are happy to help you.

EPR Compliance in Europe

EPR Pflichten in Europa
What EPR-requirements are there in your target?
What do I need to keep in mind when gettin my UIN?
How does the registration process work?
Where do you have to report your quantities?
What expenses will you face?

You will find all answers to these questions in our EPR Compliance Service.

  • Step by step guidelines for your packaging licensing all over Europe
  • EU WEEE & Battery Directive
  • EPR for textile products & footwear
  • EPR for furniture & mattresses

WEEE authorization Germany

WEEE Bevollmächtigter für Lampen
Do you put electrical goods or batteries on the German market?
Do you need an Authorized Representative to take over your obligations for WEEE & batteries with Stiftung ear? 
Shall we take-over of your recovery & recycling obligations under ElektroG & BattG


We can be your WEEE Authorized Representative in Germany.


  • Authorization towards German authorities and take-back systems
  • Ensuring proper waste disposal
  • ElektroG & BattG Compliance

Recycling labelling obligation

Overwhelmed with the Triman Logo in France?
No idea what the alphanumeric code is for in Italy?
Not sure if you want to use the green dot or not?
What other labelling requirements are there?

Let us help you with our recycling labelling obligation service.

  • Individual label development for you
  • Overview of all labelling obligations in Europe
  • Uniform design for the whole EU + NO + CH + UK

EPR compliance in Europe

EPR in Europe - ecosistant service overview
What EPR-requirements are there in your target?
How does the registration process work?
Where do you have to report your quantities?
What expenses will you face?

Find all answers to these questions in our EPR Compliance Service.

  • Step by step guidelines for your packaging licensing all over Europe
  • EU WEEE & Battery Directive
  • EPR for textile products & footwear
  • EPR for furniture & mattresses
recycling symbols prüf service
Overwhelmed with the Triman Logo in France?
No idea what the alphanumeric code is for in Italy?
Not sure if you want to use the green dot or not?
What other labelling requirements are there?

Let us help you with our recycling labelling obligation service.

  • Individual label development for you
  • Overview of all labelling obligations in Europe
  • Uniform design for the whole EU + No + CH + UK
WEEE authorized representative service
Do you put electrical goods or batteries on the German market?
Do you need an Authorized Representative to take over your obligations for WEEE & batteries with Stiftung ear? 

We can be your WEEE Authorized Representative in Germany.

  • Authorization towards German authorities and take-back systems
  • Ensuring proper waste disposal
  • ElektroG & BattG Compliance

What our customers say:

We highly recommend Ecosistant, it is easy to use and understand and the team there is amazing, always happy to help answering any additional questions. We would like to especially thank Cassandra for always helping us with our questions and doubts.
Laura Sardi
Laura Sardi
Great people with a great product, I am really happy to work with this platform.
Raffaella Belletti (Raffi)
Raffaella Belletti (Raffi)
Ich kann Ecosistant wirklich Jedem empfehlen, der Handel in Europa betreibt. Wir haben am Anfang versucht uns alleine durch den Dschungel der ganzen Gesetze zu wühlen und haben uns dann, zum Glück, doch dazu entschieden die Firma Ecosistant zu beauftragen. Betreut werden wir durch Herrn Kuhlmey. Herr Kuhlmey ist wirklich super. Immer nett, freundlich, hilfsbereit, erreichbar. Man hat das Gefühl, dass wirklich Interesse an dem eigenen Unternehmen besteht, man ist nicht einfach nur eine Nummer, bei der das Standardprogramm runtergespult wird. Man hat eine wirklich super, persönliche und auf sich zugeschnittene Betreuung.
Eric Kreiner
Eric Kreiner
Danke Herr Kuhlmey für die große Hilfe zum Eco Design Plan Frankreich. Ihr Portal ist ebenfalls sehr zu empfehlen 🙂
Margo Himsworth
Margo Himsworth
A very friendly, helpful and clear explanation of the different countries and systems. Maxime certainly went the extra mile, thank you.
Sidsel Andersen
Sidsel Andersen
Great service and good videos online
Nadine B.
Nadine B.
Wunderbarer Service! Helfen sofort kompetent weiter.
Malene Praestegaard
Malene Praestegaard
Kan kun give de bedste anbefalinger til Ecosistant... Genial platform, som giver et super overblik med steps over hvad du er forpligtiget til samt links til at du selv kan lave indberetninger. Herudover en fantastisk hurtig og kompentent dialog med Maxime fra Ecosistant, som i den grad har hjulpet mig videre med opgaven. TOP-rating herfra 🙂
Hannah Clevett
Hannah Clevett
I couldn't recommend Ecosistant highly enough. I have been stressed and confused over the varying EPR regulations and compliance schemes across the EU for a while now, and just one 30 minute call with Maxime was enough to put my mind at rest. So helpful, and approachable, and very quick to respond. All information is available on the dashboard, but even if you have additional queries, the team are there to help. Thank you!
Axel R
Axel R
Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit. Sie erleichtern einem wirklich die Arbeit in dem EPR-Dschungel.

ecosistant keeps you safe as an e-commerce company in Europe.

Your individual inquiry:

Alternatively, you can also reach us by telephone (Mon. – Fri. 08:00 – 18:00) on: + 49 30 220 135 100.

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