Verpackungslizenz 2024

We are often being asked about costs for the packaging license in Germany.

The German packaging law, or “Verpackungsgesetz”, requires every online shop to license their packaging. Costs for these licenses often put a high burden on small online retailers and startups. This is because many recycling schemes charge minimum fees or offer fixed costs. However, this is often inflexible for online shops which ship less than 100 kg of packaging to Germany per year.

The cheapest way to fulfill the German packaging law: Activate by Reclay

Especially small online shops need a flexible service. And that is why we recommend Activate by Reclay. But it is also the optimum solution for bigger retailers. This is because Activate offers a 25% discount for retailers that license their packaging early in the year. Therefore, your cost when licensing with Activate is much cheaper than with most other suppliers. Furthermore, since Activate is part of the Reclay Group – a major recycling scheme – you are automatically compliant with the German packaging law and do not need a middleman. Additionally, they offer their service in English – perfect for international e-commerce businesses.


Up to 35% discount on your packaging license 2025

Since we are partners with Activate, you will get 5% additional discount. Simply purchase your packaging license via this link:

Get your Packaging License 2025

Verpackungslizenz Rabatt

Redeem the voucher code ACT25ECO205 for a 5% discount on your packaging license 2025. If you buy the packaging license early in the year, you will save up to 30%.

Do you still need a packaging license for 2024?
For your packaging license 2024 use the discount code ACT2024ECO5

Free digital consulting service for the German packaging law

For our clients we even have a special 10% discount code. Just register for our digital compliance service for Germany free of charge and you will get 10% discount on your packaging license. This will lower your cost by 35% in total if you purchase the packaging license by the end of March 2025. As our customer, you will also profit from an individual manual on how you can fulfill your obligations from the German packaging law.

Cheap packaging license for other EU countries

Do you ship to other EU countries? In accordance with the EU packaging waste directive, there are packaging laws in all other EU countries as well. You definitely should inform yourself on your shop’s obligations for packaging licensing abroad. This is also where ecosistant can be of help for you. With our compliance service, you will get individualized guides that show you the easiest and cheapest ways to fulfill your obligations from packaging laws. Contact us for more information, or simply purchase our digital services for pan-European packaging laws.

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Did you know that you need to license packaging in each European market individually? ecosistant can show you how to fulfill your recycling obligations across Europe. Read more about the packaging law and recycling compliance on our blog: